Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tractus commissurales originis telencephali (par)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 tractus systematis nervosi centralis (par) Short Extended
Level 3 tractus originis telencephali (par) Short Extended
Current level tractus commissurales originis telencephali (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
8522 tax
tractus commissurales originis telencephali (par) ; tractus commissurales cerebri (par)
commissural tracts of telencephalon (pair); commissural tracts of brain (pair)
86464 6077 tax
corpus callosum
corpus callosum
6285 tax
fibrae corporis callosi (par)
fibres of corpus callosum (pair)
77693 6085 tax
radiatio corporis callosi (par)
radiation of corpus callosum (pair)
61944 6086 tax
forceps minor (par) ; forceps frontalis (par)
lesser forceps (pair) ; frontal forceps (pair)
61949 6087 tax
forceps major (par) ; forceps occipitalis (par)
major forceps (pair); occipital forceps (pair)
77208 6088 tax
tapetum (par)
tapetum (pair)
61961 5799 tax
commissura anterior (par)
anterior commissure (pair)
61963 6089 tax
pars anterior commissurae anterioris (par)
anterior part of anterior commissure (pair)
61964 6090 tax
pars posterior commissurae anterioris (par)
posterior part of anterior commissure (pair)
13172 tax
tractus commissurales hippocampi (par)
commissural tracts of hippocampus (pair)
61970 6286 tax
commissura hippocampi (par) ; psalterium (par)
hippocampal commissure (pair); psalterium (pair)
12 lines
75.0 %
50.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
(Commissura hippocampi): The old term Psalterium has been added; much in use by clinicians; for a study on the cells of origin of commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation, see Amaral DG, Insausti R, Cowan WM (1984) The commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation. J Comp Neurol 224:307-336.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8522
Number of children 33 (validated)
Number of units 12 (validated)
Signature 23074 (validated since 14.3.2020)
Date: 11.02.2025